Drawers' book recommendations for all you lovely readers.

Each issue, I will provide you with novels of a romantic nature and some of a more risqué and erotic subject matter.

Food of Love by Anthony Capella (2005) is a book that you will want to devour in one sitting. The descriptive content will lead to a faraway land, discover your desire and ensure you are brought back to reality by the end of the novel. A passionate and sensual novel that teaches the culinary delights of Italy and a touching love affair that proves heartbreaking for a particular character. His only way to prove his love is through food. It is a book that I have read time and time again despite the writing is not to the highest standard.

In too deep by Portia De Costa (2007) A feisty erotic novel that follows an ordinary woman encountering a sexual fantasy with an anonymous admirer called ‘Nemisis who leaves letters of the most crude and erotic nature. At work she falls for a professor, with fantasies in her imagination leading her astray; is this man she has fallen in love with actually Nemisis after all? You will witness her story as she slowly discovers the truth with many sexual scenes and confrontations masking her from the truth. The ultimate aphrodisiac is ignited from the imagination. The author cleverly builds up the story line resulting in the reader getting caught up in her fantasy world. It is a sophisticated take on a novel that provides romance with plenty of heat.

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